Wednesday, June 29, 2011

You are your problem. You are also your solution.

            I had an extremely lazy weekend, my favorite kind, full of food and movies! So I thought I would share my thoughts on the movies you must see and the one you shouldn’t! Plus, against Amy’s advice “Don’t turn your blog into a So You Think You Can Dance blog Kerry”, my favorite dance from last week!

The Dilemma: Vince Vaughn is probably one of my favorite actors. I love his fast talking! I also love Kevin James, so I was expecting a lot from this movie. Complete disappointment! This movie was much more depressing than funny. It was also extremely slllooowww. Mom gave up on it half way through and we were falling asleep by the end. I would not rent this movie unless you really want to get depressed about marriage.

            Bad Teacher:  Since Matt refuses to go see “Cars 2” with me, we went to see “Bad Teacher” Saturday night. I am not too fond of Cameron Diaz, but love Justin Timberlake and Jason Segel (who doesn’t?) so I was worried Cameron would ruin it.  It was so funny! It is a great “date movie”, and even though I don’t like Cameron Diaz I can’t think of anyone who would play the part better. The entire cast was great Phyllis (from “The Office”) and Lucy Punch (who plays Cameron’s rival teacher) are fabulous. This is definitely rated R though, so if you don’t like raunchy movies it is not for you.

            Bridesmaids: I went and saw this with my mom and Miss Lisa last night, and it starts out with a bang…awkward! I can’t look at Kristen Wiig without laughing so I thought it was hilarious (title is a quote from this movie)! Of course it is exaggerated, but it truly showed some things that I have seen through being a bridesmaid. There is a scene where they are on an airplane on their way to Vegas that I couldn’t stop laughing. I argued with my dad and Matt for awhile that this wasn’t a “girl movie” but they were right it is, but I highly recommend seeing it! Oh, and this one is extremely raunchy too, hence the awkwardness of seeing it with my mom.  

            NOW my favorite dance from last week, another lyrical dance! This is to Adele’s “Turning Tables” and is amazing! I hope that someday I can choreograph a dance half as good as this!  Fun Fact: the dancers were so into this dance that he accidently punched her and her nose was bleeding through half of the dance, craziness!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

"But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things."

      This post is short I promise! Just thought I would share some of the new things I love (hence the title by Vincent van Gogh, Dear Theo: An Autobiography of Vincent van Gogh, 1937)…

 Train’s new CD is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I highly recommend it. I love almost every single song (so much so I used some of their lyrics as my blog title!) I can’t even pick a top 3 songs from this album you just have to get the whole thing!

Another awesome CD! She is obviously been heartbroken and is moving on in this cd, some songs are tear jerkers! Another tough one to pick a top 3 but I’m going to do it!
  1. Take It All
  2. Set Fire to the Rain
  3. One and Only
Ok I could have listed about 5 more that are must have’s, but I just put the first three I heard LOL!

         Christina Perri isn’t as well known as the other two, but will be most definitely. Being a dancer I love any song I could make up a dance to (Adele’s whole cd); especially lyrical and Christina’s songs are all very emotional! If you haven’t heard Jar of Hearts go listen NOW, and obviously you live under a rock haha! Here are the top 3…
  1.  Arms
  2. Bang Bang Bang
  3. Distance

Here is a station must have! Spice Girls…I know sounds stupid, BUT when I visited Athens, GA we went to this bar called 9d’s, and you got it, it only played 90’s music. It was so fun reminiscing with N*SYNC, Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, old Britney Spears, etc. So now whenever I am having a BLAH day at work I pull up this station and I’m in an instant good mood!

I FINALLY got an Iphone and LOVE it! So far my favorite app (besides Facebook and Pandora of course) is Hanging With Friends. I suggest everyone try it out! If you download it play with me KerryKH87!

Shellac nail polish! I don’t get my nails done often, but when I do I like for them to last! I hate fake nails and I can never seem to make it to my car without messing up y normal manicure, this stuff fixes the problem. It’s a little pricey but it last for at least 2 weeks and it is instantly dry.

Sushi! Lately I have really gotten into it! And any of you in Huntsville have to try the sushi from The Scene (the restaurant in Monaco Pictures) it is UNREAL!
LOL this is the first picture that comes up when you type “politics” into Google! Anyway politics isn’t really one of my “favorite” things but I am now realizing just how important they are. I think everyone should keep up with what is going on in our country so we can make sure it remains the best country in the world.

This is a not so new favorite, but I hear Matt and all his friends say “You know who will know that answer? GOOGLE!” so often that it has reintroduced me to how awesome Google truly is. 

And of course So You Think You Can dance is the best show...EVER! If you are a dancer or just a fan of dancing this show is a must see! This was my favorite dance from Week One, I will probably put ALOT of my favorite dances on this blog! Well Happy Friday everyone, sooo ready for the weekend!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Disaster Numero Uno!

Many of my friends have begun blogging and I LOVE to read their stories so I thought I would try it out. Please excuse the immense amount of posts about food, my excessive use of quotation marks and explanation points, and my horrible grammar!  

The last year (since graduating from Auburn) has been a pretty crazy time, starting a “real life” job, being in/going to more weddings than I can count, and moving back in with  my parents has been quite an experience. As loco as I thought all that was the past 5 1/2 months have been even crazier and have taught me many things in life...

1.     “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry” …AMEN!
2.     You truly have to live everyday like it is your last (Tornado realization, I’m so blessed)
3.     Your friends and family are beyond a doubt your best gift in life (I already knew this one, but I would be so lost without them!)
4.     Nothing cures a bad/sad mood like hearing children laugh and say “I love you” (Shout out to my little people Lee, Madison and Kennedy!)
5.     TRUST GOD. You never know what he has planned, and the surprises make life worth living!

One of my best friends Amy suggested I start my blogging with my “River” story. Apparently it will be more entertaining than the awesome food I ate this weekend! Anyway I’m sure anyone reading this knows just how “outdoorsy” I am. Pretty much if I’m not by a pool, ocean, or occasionally the lake I would rather be inside. Well with deciding to follow #2 from above I have to begin to try things out of my comfort zone. So when Matt said we were going to float the river. I thought to myself “Okay Kerry, Courtney has done this, you can do it!”

So Matt has never floated down the Chattahoochee, but two of his good friends Robbie and Ryan (who I refer to as “the gypsies” and lived on the Appalachian Trail for 6 months)  had been down quite a few times. So me, Matt, Robbie, Ryan, Jenna, and Anthony pack into our cars and head to the river at about 4 pm. On the way there they all discussed where we should get in at, I was very close to saying “Whichever is shorter,” but regretfully being the new girl I kept my mouth shut (big mistake). Thankfully everyone knew just how outdoorsy I am and how “excited” I was about this trip.

For those of you who don’t know what “floating the river” is (like me!), it is when you get in the river with nice tubes and rafts and let the rivers current push you down the river, supposed to be peaceful and usually you drink quite a bit! Well most people take nice tubes and tie them together in a circle with the cooler in middle, not us! They had bought the $2 tubes from Walmart and a kiddy float to tie the cooler on. “Redneck Yacht Club” kept popping in my head LOL! Luckily, Matt got a nice tube for me (such a gentleman) so I was in pretty good shape. Plus he kind of owed me since he didn’t tell me what to bring from home so I had no shoes to wear, therefore I had to walk through the woods barefoot, ew!

As we are nearing the river, a man and his children come up and ask if they can watch us get in the river. Everyone thought, “um okay, it won’t be that exciting but SURE!” Man were we wrong! They have nice places where you can get in with like little platforms or beaches, but not us we are going to hop in the middle of the woods. So I am watching all 5 get in screaming about how cold it is; I step into about a foot of water and my feet are sinking into mud (I hate outside) and the water feels like it is about 50 degrees! Needless to say the man and his children got quite a chuckle out of watching 6 adults scream like little girls.

And were off! The water is freezing, very dirty, ducks are coming straight for us, but the sun is out and it’s not bad. About an hour goes by and of course I ask, “So as soon as we get out we are eating right? Cause I am getting kind of hungry” and I get blank stares back. Finally someone says, “Well that is going to be awhile, the current hasn’t really pushed us very far.”  At this point I realize everyone else is feeling pretty good but I don’t like beer so I am alone in my hunger and pain. That is when we hit the first set of “rapids” or as Matt says “just shallow part with rocks not real rapids”. Everyone is yelping and getting hit, but I am in the nice tube so I am good. A little bit further down the river we have to make a pit stop and this is where Matt likes to say it got “real”.

  As soon as everyone is back in the freezing water Robbie and Jenna begin to paddle and leave the rest of us behind. Before we left I told them it was supposed to storm, but to them that would make the trip more “fun”. Well the wind starts to pick up (making it even colder), and we pass a couple of old men who say “I hope you have enough beer because a storm is headed our way!” At this point the guys decide they should probably start drinking more just in case! Well we hit the next round of rapids and Anthony falls off his tube into the freezing water! Matt thankfully catches his tube but this makes us have to take another pit stop. I am standing on the side of the woods huddled in a ball shivering. At this point Ryan and Anthony are so cold they are refusing to get back in the river so we start hiking, barefoot, through the woods on a tiny trail carrying tubes, life jackets and a cooler.  After about 50 yards Matt is over that and he says we are getting back in the water, and he is convinced if he gets on the nice tube and I sit on his lap I won’t be cold  (riiiiiight).

If ever I could have been filmed in my life I wish this was the moment. I am sitting straight up on his lap with my arms locked trying to keep our balance/navigate. We hit another round of rapids and almost fall off/get stuck many times and Ryan and Anthony who are hiking along the river at about the same pace we are floating are pointing and laughing at us. We get through all that and realize that we must have finally gotten ahead of the other guys because we can’t see them. It is then we realize that we don’t know where to get out! Robbie and Ryan had given us a brief description but of course I am freaking out! The sun is going down at this point and we are approaching another bridge that they did not say anything about so I am thinking we passed where we are supposed to get out. Luckily, Matt calmed me down and we hadn’t passed it.

So 4.5 hours into our 2 hour float we see where we are supposed to get out! We had to walk on some pretty uncomfortable rocks for about 100 feet to get out but we are on land! We meet back up with Jenna and Robbie who have been waiting for about 30 minutes, and realize that Ryan (who is not back yet) has the keys. So we can see the towels but cannot get to them…torture! 30 minutes later Ryan and Anthony make it! We all pile in the car for the 15 minute ride to pick up the other car. In the car my hands begin hurting really bad and I realize that they were numb and were just getting feeling back (after being out of the water for almost an hour!) Soon as we get back I claim the shower (never felt so dirty in my life) and I bathed 3 times LOL.  Finally at 11 pm I get to eat a hamburger and get to go to bed! The next morning I woke up with a huge, painful bruise on my hip and my whole body was sore. I had every muscle flexed for 4.5 hours since I was so cold and I must have hit a rock on one of our close calls but couldn’t feel it because my whole body was numb.

So Matt was right (MAN that hurts to say!) it may have been miserable at the time but if everything went smoothly the story would not be half as good!  Am I glad I agreed to go? Yes. Would I ever do that again? Absolutely not! I definitely need a break from outside before I’m ready for another adventure/disaster!